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I no longer want friendships to take advantage of me for Akashic healing, from now on friendships are going to be about less giving, helping and healing, more an even balance based on what you give to me

Outer expression of your inspiration is Talent.

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Episode 10 Meet Ian - Life's Miracles, Mysteries and Magic


Grab your cuppa and join us for a round of rollicking stories of the paranormal unexplained. Anjali interviews Marion's husband Ian, a self-confirmed skeptic who has had all manner of "ghostly" experiences and sightings. As a professional photographer who has captured evidence of what he has perceived, what Marion can see, he regales us with stories of how they met, what his life was like before having an internationally renowned medium who lives in the company of spirit full time, everyday...and what it's like now.  Something rubbed off and he explains how he has changed - his fascinating true stories prove that, for him, every moment is a Quintessential Experience nowadays. Lighthearted and entertaining, this episode opens us up to paranormal, metaphysical, weird and wonderful mysteries we still can't easily explain but would love to figure out!

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At Q Music Studio, Making Music is a Pathway to Spiritual Growth

My most meaningful project…Picture a clutch of multi-colored balloons, all different sizes and shapes, reaching toward the sun. You’re holding them because they are yours. They are you. As for me, helping other people recognize and figure out how they already are naturally creative beings, inherently, brings them to a new place of self-realization. I have found that intending to create anything from nothing (the ultimate meaningful project) is a direct connect to your own inherent worth that is undeniable. It is possibly the most powerful pathway to inner knowing and self-worth.  READ FULL INTERVIEW

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Soul Tree Akashic Healing with NeuroSound

Anjali B. Arnold is the founder and creative force of Quintessence Studio. A lifelong musical artist, she is a pianist, vocalist, songwriter, composer, arranger, and performing artist. A natural teacher, she attracts music students outside the typical training box and focuses on how to make music naturally and creatively at Q Music Studio.


She is the creator of the Akashic healing modality Soul Tree and NeuroSound Akashic audio healing having studied with the world’s best in the mind-body healing field. She earned advanced honors degrees in physics and mathematics as well as music and education. A member of the Creativity Coaching Association, she is an international creative growth practitioner, and is a Registered Healer with the International Natural Healers Association.


Born an Akashic intuitive, she exhibits the real-world example of how to live from Higher Self and Soul first and foremost so you can express yourself from a place of inner independence and personal power. She successfully built her work and business having learned how to escape the suffocating  clutch of perceived obstacles and resistance that held her back for decades.

She is a Creative Growth Practitioner (creativity guidance consultant) for inspired alignment using the wider perspective of Akashic truth and self-knowledge. "I know from experience what it takes to be a passionate and equanimous master in any avenue of life: enthusiasm, excellent training, diligence and high-powered intention and most of all, knowing yourself.  I can help you do the same, no matter where you live. We start where you are."



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Anjali Arnold, Ontario Canada
Creative Growth Practitioner
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The part of you that you are most afraid to share is what this world needs most.

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