Q Music School

The part of you you're most afraid to share
is what this world needs most.
That's why you're here.
At Q Music School, do things differently for a change, without fear or anxiety. Learning to express yourself through music needs to be as liberating as creating it. I'm not just a mentor and teacher, as a creative growth specialist, my process asks for and welcomes the deepest best from the soul. My unique inner freedom-based teaching methods are individualized to your way of creating, your needs and dreams - it's your growth path that matters, so I tailor strategies and instruction to you. Get excited to explore what's deep inside you, it's your time to create and be heard.
I accept new students of all backgrounds, interests, and skill levels from beginner to experienced. Online music sessions available so location is never an issue whether you want to improve your technique, get comfortable in a recording studio or in front of others, or explore your gifts.
Open mic events
Weekly lessons
Special Programs
Tuition Packages available

In Person Local or
Online Long Distance

Sing with Spirit
Let it come from soul...
If you can speak, you can sing. This 6-week vocal training program gives you the chance to express yourself, and overcome any inhibitions you face so you can sing with ease, naturalness, strength and clarity. When you communicate and share your truth out loud, singing becomes your healing path. Vocal training as a spiritual discipline is not just about finding the voice of your soul, you’ll see it’s all about finding the real you.
A discovery approach combined with traditional voice training technique in a safe environment is what allows you to expand your comfort zone, to really know yourself and what you’re capable of. Dedicating yourself to a spiritual growth pathway calls for courage, clarity, vulnerability, patience, self-compassion and humility. From that dedication, you powerfully transcend your fears, resistance and blockages. To sing with spirit is to know yourself, and live your inspiration. (6 weekly sessions $597)
This course is for you...

if you want to be real, to feel fully yourself and totally comfortable in your own skin

if you want to dive into the depths of your truth to discover the real you

if you want to express with joy & without fear, to sing with emotion, intent and honesty

if you want to be confident and completely connected when you sing
Vocal training as a spiritual discipline means no fear – this approach is enthusiastic, wondrous and non-judgmental, you steadily build a compassionate and reliant relationship with yourself in order to grow your comfort zone. Singing with spirit means you learn without doing damage from forcing, and you always land in a good spot. This is the hallmark of excellent training.
No worry about false ideas of lack of originality or non-existent creativity...your unique “fingerprint” is is the voice of your soul - it is yours and no one else’s. Qualities of ease, purity, individuality and honesty in the sound you make become your perfect guide as to what is just right for you, because you know it when you hear it, and you can feel it.
When you Sing with Spirit, you are fully present. Fear does not coexist with presence. The sound vibration you are in full command to deliver conveys who you are: The imprint of truth your voice carries, like ripples in a pond, is received by all around you. You are changed and healed from the doing, and so is the space (and anyone) that surrounds you.
Create and be heard: make the music you want to make, with supportive guidance, in an explorative 'no such thing as failure' setting

Develop performance quality agility & understand meaningful principles of musical relationship from a Royal Conservatory trained teacher. Make your best music at any level, by ear or from sheet music.​
Invite your muse and learn traditional or art lyric writing with an experienced songwriter who'll help you tap into your unique experiences and share your truth in song, in an original way that is unique to you and only you.
Sing well, on pitch, easily and naturally with feeling and expression, even if you've only sung in the shower. If you can talk, you can learn to sing...and like the sound of your voice even with a microphone.
Learn to produce any audio from music to podcasts to voiceovers, simple to advanced. Whether it's music, education or narrative you can get it done here at Q Music Studio.

Like Katie, Olivia was another teen with her own learning style and special needs who came to me because all the settings and options at school were not ideal for her. Always a challenge in difficult environments that made her unsure, Tourette's syndrome was something she needed to manage. Singing has been her passion since birth. Her older sister
knew how I sang, performed and taught, so she brought Olivia to try out vocal training lessons because of her natural gift for singing and because it was her go to outlet for anxiety and stress. Over the duration of Olivia's lessons, I watched her take more risks as she found her voice. She become more self-aware and comfortable in her own skin, and through our mentoring discussions, she told me how relationships with friends and teachers at school were also improving because she was able to handle challenges better. Her ability to more clearly speak her mind ramped up as she noticed the frequency of tics was steadily diminishing. For Olivia to tell me that her time here helped bring her Tourettes into manageable realm, I'm overjoyed. - Anjali

Chad already knew me through Akashic work and when he contacted me to ask for vocal expression guidance prior to recording songs as he'd been dreaming and hoping to do, as a gift for his family, I was honoured. He had felt forever misunderstood, this beautiful guy, a gentle, creative soul trying to make his way, and be heard, in this crazy chaotic society that he found so closed-
minded and judgmental. He knew he was different from others, yet he knew what he wanted to express, and needed to make sure he was giving his all, and took an almost operatic approach...the strength with which he shared his truth in voice, like poetry set to music, did more for him than all the language-based, logical explanations that always came up short. And while this brought him into greater understanding with his family and friends, he said he found the solidarity and fidelity to himself he'd been longing for his whole life. To honour himself this way, instead of constant self-put-downs, it was clear to me that the rest of the world would see, hear and know the real Chad, as I know him. Love you, Chad! - Anjali